
Exploring the Colors


07-10-2013, 08:33 PM

The quiet female wagged her tail in the air behind her as Aeil spoke. "I do enjoy myself. But it does get a little lonely sometimes." There was a sheepish note to her voice as she spoke, but in truth, Irin found that she met far more interesting wolves wandering than she ever had back at home.

She could have talked about the frozen lake for an eternity, however. "It was gorgeous!" Irin enthused happily, "With every step you took, the ice lit up. It was like walking across the sky." Was that it would be like to wander the expanses of the sky? Did every step make stars twinkle and glow? Was that why some stars twinkled? The thought interested Irin greatly. She knew so little about the far away expanses of the sky that it made her wonder. Her pack had taught her that dead wolves roamed the stars, and maybe that would explain the twinkling. It was the steps of her ancestors as they watched over the world!

It seemed that Aeil felt the way about Seracia as Irin had felt about that lake. She seemed to love the place, and she spoke of it with a loving note to her voice. "It sounds lovely," There was a hint of awe in Irin's voice. "I bet the wolves are great too." She couldn't imagine a pretty land with evil wolves. Well, actually, she probably could; her imagination seemed to have no limits. But right then, Irin wanted to paint the world as a happy place. Aeil made her feel happy and so the world would be happy. Or at the very least, the world Irin created would be.

And then the trail ended. And there it was. The sun was creeping up over the horizon, and Irin slunk forward carefully, gaze focusing on the ground until her eyes had adjusted and she could attempt to look up. "Wow." That was all she had to say. It was truly beautiful.