
EVENT: The 1st Day of Christmas



4 Years
12-18-2018, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2018, 09:54 PM by Tyranis.)
Land Name: The Assassin's Haunt
Description: Hidden in the winding corridors of the castle are three entrances to the hidden passage, finding them is particularly difficult since they blend so well into their surroundings, one would first have to know of their existence to even begin searching for them. The passage itself runs the length of the castle with small imperceptible viewing slits in every major thoroughfare as well as in some of the larger bed chambers once reserved for nobility and the apartments shared by servants. At the end of the passage there is a winding staircase that leads one to a windowless dust covered room, littered with alchemic symbols, mold eaten leather bound books, a vast array of dried herbs and most of all a counter lined with flasks and beakers of every shape and size.
Parent Land: Amron's castle
Associated Skill(s): intellect and healing

Land Name: MA  NE WO L D
Description: On the ground floor of the forgotten isle is MA   NE WO L D, a strange place built by humans although its exact purpose seems to have been to hold fish. Most of the fish have died leaving pools of algae and kelp to grow unimpeded under the wind powered lights that still function even without human maintenance. Crayfish, shrimp and other scum feeders still flourish in the smaller tanks which in turn have made a viable ecosystem for fish to be cultivated in. If one follows the lifeless forms of seemingly every fish in existence hanging from the ceiling they reach the heart of MA  NE WO LD. The glass that once contained an untold number of exotic marine life has long since broken and the carcasses left behind have decayed leaving one with an unimpeded walk through a breathtaking undersea world built by humans.
Parent Land: The Forgotten Isle
Associated Skill(s): Hunting and healing

Land Name: The Hissing Pool
Description: A weary traveler finding themselves in the tar pits might stumble upon the placid pool hidden in the tall grasses lining the pits. At first it might seem tempting to drink from the pool but doing so is ill advised. The water is highly acidic and touching it even while it's clear will lead to severe burns and blistering. Usually, after an earthquake the pool turns milky white and drinking from it will instantly begin to rot away one's tongue and throat and even begin to erode their teeth. The pool is named for the horrific sound that comes from any organic life that even grazes over the pool's placid surface  
Parent Land: The Tar Pits
Associated Skill(s):  Healing

Land Name: The Emerald Grotto
Description: Deep in the heart of the Glowshoom cavern is a fast moving subterranean river. Daring to slip into the river and be taken by the current is extremely dangerous, but well worth the risk once you reach the Starlight Grotto; a hidden cavern, home to thousands if not millions of glow worms that hang in tendrils from the ceiling. The cave is also home to bioluminescent and vividly colored fish as well as moss balls, various kinds of amphibians and reptiles. All is not as calm as it appears on the surface however as the grotto is home to nocturnal alligators who favor the grotto as a prime feeding spot. Leaving the grotto is just as difficult as entering it, but allegedly there is a small passage under the water that feeds directly into the Whistling Willows
Parent Land: Glowshroom Cavern
Associated Skill(s): Fighting, intellect, and Healing

Land Name: Palaegia
Description: Searching through the lush forests surrounding Atlantis Island one might come across two stark white columns covered in moss and ivy. The Columns mark the entrance to Palaegia, a city built at the base of the once active volcano that was destroyed in a sudden eruption. Although the city was not restored human archaeologists were able to uncover much of the ruins and elegant marble statues and beautiful mosaics can be found throughout the ruins. Several digging tools left by human archaeologists can be found near former dig sites, as well as perfectly preserved clay urns in former shops, and even a nearly untouched arena. The ruins are also home to various rare plants such as poppies, sage, ginseng, and eyebright  It's hard however to ignore that some of the statues throughout the city seem unfinished or crude compared to some of the more detailed statuary. It's also hard to ignore that these statues seem much more macabre; seeming to depict humans fleeing or screaming in terror.
Parent Land: Atlantis Island
Associated Skill(s): Intellect and healing

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

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1. EVENT: The 1st Day of Christmas Updates/Events Archive 07:15 AM, 12-14-2018 09:34 AM, 07-02-2024