
Do You See these Thoughts I'm Thinking

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-18-2018, 05:34 PM
Rhyme couldn’t believe how worried he had been when Tana told him how the avalanche had almost killer her and her companions. Yes she had been following him and he had told her she was a wolf free to do what she wanted. He was raging inside because he hadn’t been there to protect her. He wanted to be angry with her for not letting him know she had been behind him, but he knew that wouldn’t help anything. He huffed heavily into the night air. He lingered on his favorite rock overlooking the river. Where he usually wound up when he was too restless to sleep.

This was where Spider had confessed his secrets to him, where Tana had told him about her previous life. With those thoughts lingering he slowly calmed his nerves. Caring that much about someone was new to him. He felt similar with his mother, but it was different with her. She was a frail old woman, his need to protect her was obvious. He also had help though, was this how Valentine felt about Rhythm? Rhyme didn’t know nor did he think he ever would.

His tail lashed out behind him with his deeper thoughts, he’d already gone on patrol and he was already debating about doing so again. Both Imperia and Solitude had fallen asleep in the branches of the maple already, so he stayed there alone. His form was wound tight, and instead of relaxing he was posed to move at the slightest inkling.