
Wolves of our hearts

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-18-2018, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2018, 06:33 PM by Shaye I.)

All of the innocent, and non-fighting orientated wolves in Abaven were very strictly under their protection. Something she sought out in all the higher ranking warriors in Abaven, where wolves who stood up for the strong. Rhyme himself was the perfect image of that, and he was the Alpha in charge of the Warriors. Ace, whos first thoughts where to his brothers children, and building them a life was a perfect example. Ody, who was a healer and a warrior, and jumped in to help a stranger… she was building ABaven into the ideals that she and Rhyme shared.

Now, with three wolves that needed their protection the most, Shaye was determined to get to know them, to ensure their needs and comforts where being seen to. She had mentored them all off, so that there where others to look out for them, like support workers, but Shaye also took a personal interest in them.

Tana was a wolf she mostly knew about through word of mouth, from Rhyme, but hadn’t spent much time with herself. She needed to change that, to get to know the girl who was becoming important to her cousin. She sought her out, by heading to Rhyme’s place of sleep, finding his tree easily and putting her nose down for a fresh scent of Tana.



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