
Tis the season



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
12-18-2018, 07:57 PM
Wandering the lands near Fyri was a decent way to keep track of who was around, skirting his borders. Honestly these woods were his favorite of all the lands that bordered his though. They were beautiful, and seemed to attract wolves like his sister which was... well, something. Ig huffed quietly to himself as he trudged through the layer of snow that was slowly gathering on the ground. Fall was slowly becoming winter and the north was beginning to find itself covered in more and more snow. While it was beautiful, it also meant things would only be getting more difficult from here.

As he walked, leaving a visible trail through the snow, Ig kept an eye out for any wolves he might happen across. And prey; they needed to stock up before the weather got worse. He was holding out hope that the gorge would be a place that prey might get stuck and be easy to hunt with the right strategies, but it was still important to try and find food elsewhere.

Eventually he came upon an odd sight. One of the red wood trees must have cast a seed far from its relatives, because it was sticking out like a sore thumb here. More of a sapling than a tree really, spindly and young, all by itself in the middle of a wide open swathe of snow. The part that stood out the most though was the fact that someone or something had hung colorful little spheres all over it. There almost wasn't a branch without an ornament. Ig stared at the tree, confused by it. Why exactly did someone want to... decorate a tree? Who or what did this? He went so far as to glance over both shoulders in the hopes of spotting the culprit.