
Something Ugly This Way Comes...


07-10-2013, 09:32 PM

His brain supplied him that it was cold, the next, equally impressive thought to filter through his brain was that he shouldn't care. He had dealt with a great deal more hardships than this. The near adult was a cynical, cunning thing. His mother had taught him everything from how to fight dirty, to catching fish in the stream, there was not a skill set out there that he wasn't at least halfway decent in. Dillinger poured his heart into training all to please his mother... he had assumed doing as such would make her proud, would make her ecstatic... but the woman had grown complacent, sure his training was going well, but to what point and purpose was he training? Wasn't it she who always told him stories of her years as an assassin? What had happened to her? Had her proverbial balls dropped off?

A wicked curling of his lips had the onyx lad moving further and further away from Seracia, his mother could be complacent all she wished, that didn't mean he had to follow in her footsteps. He would be better than her, a better killer, a stronger assassin, a more well known name, he would not fade as another nameless spawn among the masses, he would rise to become great. His mother had joined Seracia, the boy had had no choice and at the time, had been too young to have an opinion.

He wasn't grown yet, only reaching three seasons old, but he would not be content exchanging pleasantries with the bastards of Seracia, they bowed down to a king and what made that king so much better than he? A fatter cock and a look of royalty? He huffed a snort, drowning out the giggles of delight! No... Dillinger would never fall beneath the rule of another, even if he made it as a loner the rest of his days. A snap, a crackle came from the surrounding territory and the onyx pup turned. Who, might he wonder, would stumble upon him now?
