
Christmas For Scrooge



2 Years

Treat 2019
12-19-2018, 08:07 AM
Peggy was on a rare trip outside pack lands, something she hadn't done much since Shaye had taken over. Partly it was because she was actually busy for once, doing "patrols" along the border though she really had no idea how to be a real member of a pack. She thought she got the idea pretty well though - wander along the border to make sure there was no trespassers. She hadn't quite grasped that she should help renew the scent markers, but then, they didn't really need the help with how often Rhyme was on patrol. Peggy actually actively avoided his patrols, so she could tell.

And partly it was out of a deep-seated concern for Corvus. His mother had all but disappeared, and Peggy knew it was because she was holed up in her den sick, which was a very unhealthy thing to be doing. Cor was worried, Peggy knew, and probably more than a little scared. So she'd been sticking around pack lands for him as well, to give him gentle encouragement and support and love. She wanted to just tucked him under her protectively like a mama hen with her chicks so that nothing could hurt him, but she did understand that he needed to face the world on his own four legs. He was showing a determined effort to learn to fight, and Peggy was so proud of him. But he needed space and independence to be himself, so she needed to not smother him with her mothering.

That was what led her to take a trip this direction. She'd run into the border of a pack a little bit ago, and had tried to scoot around it only to end up walking the no-man's-land between the borders of two packs instead, and had finally scooted down here to this land full of a riot of trees and bushes and vines. She'd never seen anything like it. And rounding a corner of a broken-down fence covered in grape vines, she stopped short at seeing an even stranger sight - a tall, regal wolf staring at a pine tree, of all things, covered in bright reflective... things that were like fake apples.

After her initial surprise, Peggy didn't hesitate. She popped right up beside the male, her own gaze fixed on the tree. "Wow!" she exclaimed, darting one paw forward to poke at a shiny round thing. It wobbled, sending her reflection swinging across it's surface. "Did you do all this? Why? What's it for?" It was a really pretty effect, and it made her grin delightedly, but was that the only reason someone would have to decorate a tree? It seemed like a lot of work to go to.