
Uncle Johnny



8 Years
12-19-2018, 11:24 AM

Lust flickered within his abnormally pale eyes as two bodies ever so slightly brushed against one another. Sparks of electricity slithered along his form as they stood shoulder to shoulder. Spider's words entered his ears and the beast took note of the contents. Tea.. with Horsetail. The words had a ring of familiarity due to his mother's teachings. But, Hannibal was always far to intertwined with other things to truly take in what she had to say. The confidence of this partially albino monster was evident as he seamlessly closed the distance between the two. The urge to be close to another, especially such a unique creature such as Spider flowed through his body like a heatwave. Lust was this phantom's greatest flaw, it blinded him in way his body moved without any second thoughts.

Hannibal allowed his eyes to flick towards Spiders shamelessly, attempting to find eye contact. Lips curled into a delightful smile, his breath could be seen due to the chilled nature of day. "You are so incredibly intelligent." His eyes seemed to glisten with wonder. "A trait so unique to find in a Wolf." Hannibal's tone was luxurious, his words rolled off his tongue like silk. As Spider moved his head closer to Hannibal's the simple smile turned into a devious smirk. The albino male leaned into the other Wolf, allowing their forms to press together if Spider were to allow it. Hannibal moved his head to gently nuzzle into the side of Spider's own, inhaling the scent of this stranger's fur. A black and white tail was held high as a little growl of excitement was emitted. Hannibal moved his muzzled towards Spider's ear and attempted to pepper it in very gentle nips and licks. "I am so lucky as to have met you, little flower." His voice was a very light whisper.

Who knew what would come of tonight or the future for these two unique beings. Hannibal hadn't a care in the world, his eyes blind with yearning. Though, if Spider felt uncomfortable all he needed to do was pipe up and the beast would stop his prowl. Hannibal was not -that- forceful in nature and enjoys the art of persuasion and seduction rather then cruelties. Especially towards such a delicate creature.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.