
Where did you come from, where did you go?


12-19-2018, 01:26 PM
No Face was watching them but Evangelos didn’t care. He was going to explore even if it meant going against his mother’s wishes and sneaking out. All he had to do was wait for the opportune moment… and that moment came about midway through the day.

He was still within Firefly Lake, still small enough that traveling very far would be hard on his body. But he was away from the watchful eye of No Face and he was able to explore the area in full on his own. His golden eyes were shining with delight as he padded away from the water and deeper into the territory. He was exploring! And there was nothing anyone could say or do to make him change his mind on the fact that this was a perfectly reasonable idea.

The young one paused, hearing a noise nearby. His heart began beating faster, remembering his mother’s warnings about monsters living away from the den. Well… maybe he could catch her one! But away from the lake there were no reeds and such to hide in. He shot towards it immediately, squeezing against the trunk before peering around it to see a stranger… one as big as his mama.

Evangelos pouted. It wasn’t fair. He wanted to be big too! It also wasn’t a monster… and that was disappointing. Unless this man was also hunting the monster?

“Hey, you, with the face!”