



7 Years
07-10-2013, 10:14 PM

Surreal was feeling better after her trip to the Battlefield. It had been a good thing to do. Creed had helped her get over her childhood fear of the Field. She was glad she?d met him. He made a good friend, always had a good game idea, and wasn?t afraid to get dirty or wet. That thought turned her young mind to her younger brother, and her smile fell into a frown as she scrambled up a path set into the side of a steep hill. He?d been gone forever. She was afraid for him. True, he?d been gone well before the floods had arrived, but she was still scared that he?d somehow been caught in the rushing water and drowned.

Technically, the younger wolves weren?t exactly supposed to be going into the flood area, but Surreal had gotten this feeling. So she headed for the den. It wasn?t long before she caught a scent. A soft sob of joy broke from her and she charged along it?s trail. Her little brother was home! He was home! She scrambled up the path, took the sharp turn with all for paws flying, and pelted down the ravine. ?Gabriel!? Both squealed and sobbed came his name in a high pitched squeak of a whine. She slowed as she reached five feet from him, careful not to fling mud on him, and then stopped, staring at him, taking in everything she could through a blur that didn?t seem to want to go away.

He was all there, and my he had grown! Her tail whirred in the air as she stared at her brother. Mother had been heartsick, blaming herself for the loss of her younger son. And he was here. Lyric was here, too. It seemed neither of them could resist looking to see if the water had gone away. ?I was so scared you?d died in the flood. I? I?d hug you, brother, but I?m all muddy.? Her head ducked, ears drooping. ?I was scared you left because of me, and when the flood came, I thought you had been swept away.? Her eyes lifted to glance at him. And she was still scared, because he might just truly have left because of her. ?I?ve missed you, Gabe.?

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.