
Quiet Contemplation



07-10-2013, 10:16 PM
Morgan had told her everything, and Chrysanthe was honestly mortified at what the white wolfess had done. She had taken something from Morgan that could never be returned, and the bitch thought that she could simply live her life as if she commited no crime? Perhaps she was completely deluded, if she thought that what she did would hold no consequence. The alpha's temper flared, and she held back a bubble of anger that wanted so badly to erupt into a snarl. Oh if only she had been told sooner, if only she had been there to protect Morgan - but she had not. She could only do what she had set out to do. She could only react with what she had been told, what she had been given. No longer would Evelette live life as if she were a dainty female living within Valhalla's safety. This was betrayal, for her to live here on this pack's land and eat this pack's food all under the facade that she were innocent. Betrayal - the word was heavy, it stung and festered. Chrysanthe was beyond livid.

There was no wrath like an Adravendi scorned.

Yet she had made a promise to Morgan. That Evelette's punishment would not be physical. She had asked the alpha not punish the woman, and although the request was made out of misplaced blame, she would respect the woman's wishes as best she could. As badly as she wanted to rip out the traitor's womb and leave her bleeding just as she had Morgan, she held her poise. There was fire in her eyes, a dangerous mission to her every step, but blood would not be shed tonight. Not unless the alabaster witch asked for it.

When she finally found the woman, she seemed to be spending a moment of her time in leisure, sprawled in Valhalla's heart. "Evelette." There was no denying the anger that was laced in the alpha's voice, her tone sharp. She had awoken the fiery girl's rage. "Stand up." This was the closest thing to a trial she would receive. If there was anything that she wanted to say before her punishment was given to her, this would be her only chance.

Looking her over she nearly snorted, "You do not look like a guilty woman, yet your crimes tell a different story. You ripped the very womb from one of MY warriors." Whether she was guilty or not was not up for discussion. "Explain your reasoning." Perhaps it would serve purpose. Perhaps it would not.