


07-10-2013, 10:38 PM

Gabriel had anticipated anger... he had fled... again, unable to quell his insatiable curiosity, unable to come to terms with why he was so different, it wasn't that he didn't love his family, or even that he didn't wish to romp and play with them... it was just... the very idea of such a thing made his skin crawl and shivers rack his spine. It was a mental disorder that left him crippled, unable to do much more than meticulously groom whenever the simple thought of being dirty entered his skull... but his time away had given the boy pause, and while not yet an adult, he was beginning to see where he had been in the wrong, and where his family had been in the wrong. It was no ones fault, and certainly he held no grudges over his siblings, he was simply....different, and he had come to accept that.

Ear perked up, excitement entered his dual gaze and his plume darted happily between his thighs as Lyric stepped before him. She was his opposite, blinding white to his coal black. ?Lyric...? His voice soft and gentle as always, never loud and obnoxious, spoke her name with relief, if one were to look, it was clear he was happy to see his sister alive and well. ?How have you been, it has been a long time.? Gabriel drew closer, body arching to stand before her. Gently, and avoiding the mud that streaked her pelt, he brushed his snout against her cheek, a much friendlier greeting than the one she had given him. Her next question bade an answer and his jaws parted to give it, when his name was squealed and despite himself, he jumped a bit, his smile growing as Surreal bounded towards him.

Her words made him flinch, they reminded him of his... disease. He shook it off though, replacing the mild pang of guilt with a grin. Gently, he padded forward, sucking in a deep breath and allowing his tongue to escape his maw to scrape away some of the dirt upon her snout. ?Its been a long time Surreal, I think I can afford a few specks of dirt.? Mentally he cringed, but wasn't this what love was all about? Meeting people halfway?

?To answer your question Lyric, I came back because I...I missed you. Mother, father, all of you. I was hoping to apologize, to make amends, I can't promise I'll stay forever, but it wasn't right of me to leave so suddenly and without saying goodbye.? His voice was loosing the pup like pitch and beginning to retain a lower baritone. His smile faltered at his words, guilt replacing previous excitement, the onyx lad meant what he said.