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4 Years
12-20-2018, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2018, 03:08 PM by Tyranis.)

Tyranis had awoken that morning to the noticeably sour scent of bear wafting through his forest.  With winter fast approaching it was nearly impossible for him not to remember the solstice ritual Ruina would have partaken in, had the pack lasted more than a handful of months.

The king called for his fighters and his son to join him as he tracked the bear to the crypt just north of their territory. For a bear to be active so late in the autumn was worrisome but what was important now was getting rid of the pest before it decided it would permanently make its home beyond their borders.

He had gone in ahead of the others to flush the bear from hiding and draw it into the open where they could all attack simultaneously. He had grown bolder since raising his pack and was quickly on his way to becoming fearsome in his own right. This bear in fact would be the second he fought off in his short lifetime, while most could only claim chance encounters with one where they barely survived.

He found the bear, a great beast larger than his first in size but with a yellow coat that stank of bear piss. Its eyes were gummy with mucus and as it lifted its head to regard him it was only able to utter an apprehensive groan that was thick and wet sounding. This would be easy and over with quickly.

With a snarl Tyranis surged forward seizing the bear’s great black nose in his jaws and pulling it back with the might of every muscle in his body. The bear roared in fury and agony, while Tyranis released his grip and danced back from the bear’s swiping paws. The bear lumbered to its feet and roared again this time bracing its muscles to prepare to charge for him. With a grin Tyranis bolted toward the mouth of the cave, his ears swivled back to hear the throaty grunts of the yellow beast as it charged behind him, quickly closing the gap between them.“Get ready!”He called to his fighters as he cleared the cave’s entrance.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  