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Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-20-2018, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2018, 09:00 AM by Cloudburst.)
Cloud had detected a strange scent while he had been tracking another herd, though he wasn't quite sure what it was. He had returned from his failed trip tracking a large herd of elk, his entire body still pretty sore from the mudslide caused by the freak storm that had happened. His companion soared above him, scouting the area for possible signs of danger. Cloud had determined that it was best to let his brother know about the strange scent, but it seemed his brother had already discovered it. The monochromatic male changed course and made his way to where his brother was, and it didn't take long for him to hear the strangest grunting noises followed by what already sounded like the beginnings of a fight.

His companion called out to him, urging him to hurry. Despite his unhealed injuries, Cloud quickened his pace until he was racing through the lands. He spotted Ty and one of the largest beasts he'd ever seen. Bi-colored gaze watched for a moment as Ty went right in for an attack before backing off and running towards the entrance of the nearby cave, seemingly trying to draw the bear out. Without hesitation, Cloud raced after the pair with the intention of stopping the bear from catching up with his brother too much. Ty's words had not gone unheard, and he assumed he meant that now was the chance to get up close and personal with the beast. With a screech, his companion swooped down and began to rake at the eyes of the beast before hightailing it back into the sky to prepare for another round.

Meanwhile, Cloud rushed in towards the bear's hind legs, jaws open and ready to clamp down on his target. Although he was going as fast as he could, his ordeal in the ravine had left him with a limp in his hind leg that had not yet recovered. Still, he pressed on until he was within range of the bears left hind leg. He seized his opportunity as soon as he got close, diving in and closing his jaws around the bear's ankle. Cloud kept his grip as tight as he could while simultaneously putting on the brakes in an effort to stop the bear from going any further, though it seemed the bear's larger size and strength still managed to practically drag Cloud's resisting body weight along regardless.

His ears pinned tightly against the angered creature, and he hoped they could bring him down as quickly as possible before anyone got injured...or worse. His hoped waned, however, when the bear suddenly turned to around. Cloud barely saw the huge paw heading his way, and he was unable to react fast enough. He felt a heavy blow against his head which sent him rolling across the ground several feet away and knocking the wind out of him. Dazed and confused, he struggled to right himself as the bear lumbered towards him. His vision was blurred and there was a loud ringing in his ears. Luckily for him, his companion swooped down again to distract the bear by diving around its head. Giving him a bit of time to try and recover...

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