
Sparkle Leatard


07-10-2013, 10:46 PM

A spine-quaking bawl would distract the queen from her dine, tongue lashing ardently at blood-stained lips as cranium would rise from the ribs of an outsized hare; pale gaze glancing instantaneously in the direction of which the christen had been heard. Gullet would gulp in a hasty attempt to finish fleshy morsel, mind ticking curiously over the identity of the unfamiliar voice as tail would begin to raise, an automated autograph of supremacy. Hesitance would prickle lengthy limbs, diffident to leave her meal though however unwilling to give the foreigner any more instance to consider exceeding the borders. Had they come in a fickle attempt to branch services, or would Eos be insolently surprised by yet another tongue-proud joker? Haunches would pivot prime weight, towers flicking with mild curiosity as the russet babe would move off at a resolute trot; muzzle dropped, seeking, searching.

The fae was a stippled illustration of pale russets, charcoal and silver, her small chassis but a smudge of saturation against the snow-bound landscape that enveloped her. She held herself with a frigid poise, haunches pressed in shallow comfort to the dusted soil beneath her. She seemed to hold no ill-intent, and Eos found herself quietly appreciating the vixens wise choice to clear the Glaciem Border. Syrinx after all, had already had his daily fill on lunch; she was sure there would be no room for more. Mind fluttered weakly over the image of her brother, her mate, before she would pause; standing with observable significance in the lower ladies presence. Shoulders would broaden, however expression remained almost aloof, ?Yes?? would be all that were necessary.