
Under & Over It



4 Years
Extra small
12-20-2018, 07:21 PM

She was becoming more familiar with the territories and with Rhyme's help was coming out of her shell. Her companions still joined her when she went to new places in Abaven's territories though and that's just what she was doing today. Rhyme was busy and Vail was busy with her garden most likely. She could of sought out Shaye to spend some time with her but Tana didn't really feel like spending time tracking down the busy alphess right now.

She walked slowly with her companions keeping a close eye on her from the trees. None knew the direction they walked was the path of another, one that could potentially scare her back into her old ways. She walked almost completely confident, with her ears on the woops and chattering of her companions as they guided her from above. But the noises stopped as she made it deep into the thicket and she stopped, standing stock still. Without her companions eyes, it would be hard to navigate. Neither had seen the white wolf ahead before but Tana lifted her nose to the wind. Immediately she recognized the scent and her ears pinned. Basil was quick to drop down in front of her and Eye the male. His scent was familiar enough to the primate for him to connect the dots enough to stop Tana from walking in his direction, he was too proud of Tana's progress to let the male muck it up. Tana dropped lower and lowered her head.

One of her master's had found her. In her mind he was here to either kill her or make her go back to being Elias's slave.  

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.