

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-20-2018, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2018, 07:47 PM by Rhyme I.)
Rhyme was indeed on patrol, but not with Shaye. He tried to ignore the nagging feeling at the back of his head whenever he thought of her, and tried to keep his thoughts on Tana instead. Spending the night with her had been a more than pleasant experience, maybe their growing relationship wouldn’t crash and burn like he had been so fearful of happening. She was so much happier these days, though he could tell she wasn’t feeling very well. Imperia noticed the symptoms much more quickly than he had, but he could have swore the raven was part hawk with how good an eye she had. Either that or he didn’t pay close enough attention.

As he patrolled though he’d eventually circle his thoughts back to his duties. The possibility of someone having followed Epitaph at their border. He always crossed the border of the thicket with much more focus on his surroundings. He had two more sets of eyes with him too, Imperia took her usual place in the sky, and Solitude rode on his shoulder. The white raven was growing fast now that he had a steady supply of food. He rivaled the older raven in wing span, but he still hadn’t grown into his beak.

Rhyme relaxed a little now, climbing up into the plains. He stretched as he loped along, shaking himself of the heavy feelings that covered him in the thicket. Solitude flapped his alabaster wings to keep his balance, and called out lazily indicating the sighting of another wolf. Rhyme focused his gaze again and caught sight of Tana with her two primate companions walking along the edge of the territory. Rhyme hurried his gait, curious about what the three of them were up to. "You’re not looking for me are you?" He finally asked as he came to a stop beside them. He tilted his head curiously, not certain what the terms of their relationship were, and didn’t think to offer any affections in greeting.