
Just call me devil


12-20-2018, 09:06 PM

He moved with silent grace, his quarry lay within these lands from what he could figure. Or at least one of them did. Though this border held the scent of yet another of the runaways. The more useful, if his father had just done what he would of and separated the boy from his mother when they were captured. He would of made a wonderful warrior but now there was a price on his head. Though the one he was more apt to want was the son of Toxic. Toxic for some reason wanted the useless boy back. With his twisted paw the boy was only good for the man to take his anger out on. It was none of Vlad's bussiness what the twisted man did with his worthless son. HE was being paid to bring him back or destroy him. Though if this pack wanted his well enough and thought they could make the useless lad into something, his freedom might be bought through the word of Vlad's mouth. Honestly Toxic could of chose a better man than the headhunter for the job, but then again he was well trained and his tracking skills were unrivaled. His green eyes eyed the border and he debated moving in or staying. This was honestly too much trouble. But Vlad had been paid for the head of Epitaph, Rhyme, Rhythm, and Aria. Those that escaped would probably dread seeing or scenting him. "Come Epitaph and Rhyme, you two have been found." he made his booming voice known then with a deep howl, one that said his quarry had been found.

Walk, "Talk", Think