
Glaciem Meeting


07-10-2013, 11:08 PM

Syrinx would conclude his presence with the lashing of authoritive tongue, the lady regarding his departure with an approving eye of adoration. Ah, Syrinx; even in distance the lady would feel oh so close, her heart coiling about his spirit like a fox about its tail. Sparks would flutter and fizzle as the pair?s souls combined, clashing in a display of differences, mismatch, only to conclude so perfectly in a wanton grasp of faultlessness. She would watch him leave with her skull elevated, mildly surprised that he would grow weary of the assembly so effortlessly, it seemed she didn?t know her partner as well as she may have formerly suspected. Good. Attentions were dragged back to ebony marked russet, watching with intent as the small creature began to splutter forth her explanation. Though Eos had cast a blind ear to some of the words that tore free of youthful lips, she found herself offering a silent nod; satisfied by the babe?s intelligence. She would be remembered. ?Bright conclusion, lamb. Glaciem will be your refuge, your safeguard, if only you offer it the same in return,? feminine voice lingered, pale lashes batting over emerald gaze. She somewhat approved of the new familiar, the girl seemed capable both in body and mind, and Eos held a conservative appreciation towards her decision. ?When I call for you, I will expect your compliances? what is it you call yourself?? thick tail would bat at tapered hocks, preparing herself for the timely finale of the congregation.