
Am I really Talking to You About This

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-20-2018, 09:43 PM

She snickered "it wasnt me." She admitted, she never would have thought she could fill these paw prints. She never would have tried if hadn't been take it or let it go to completely. She never was one who could let things go, or let the past lie. But she would have picked rhyme for the job, any day. There was something about him, an aura of control and goodness. It was who he was, and what she loved about him. He would run into that burning forest, he would risk his life, and would come out of alive, with ever lost wolf at his side. It was because if him that she knew they could do something with Abaven.

"I really am, see?" She slurred as he said she might be right. "there's too much of valentine in you - you wanna have fun, woe some girls and live life. But there's too much rhythm in you too. You want to find love, settle down and have a future." She snorted, laughter bubbling up, before it became something else. It sounded a lot like sniffing, a somber tone taking her voice. "and you should have spent your childhood having fun, but it got stolen from you. So now here you are in the years or your life where you should have been settling down, instead your free to play with girls for the first time. Its.. actually really sad. See, you found the girl. But, if you settle down will you regret the chance to explore this side of yourself. If you dont, do you regret possibly losing the girl?" She said, sniffing some more, on the verge of tears without understanding why, or even what she was saying.

She buried her head in the part of his coat closest to her. "I'm going to kill them all. Dead. All dead. Why are they all dead?" Okay, turns out she was a miserable drunk. "Don't ever die, Rhyme. Promise me. I love you, if you die, it will kill me. I lost too many of the wolves I love already"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.