
click click boom



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-20-2018, 10:00 PM
She hadn't meant for this to start becoming a tradition but once again Valdís found herself headed back toward Fenrir's Maw. She wasn't quite sure why it held such nostalgic appeal, especially now that she was back in a pack with Chaos as the leader. Though, the pack wasn't really Crew even if they had the same leader. Crew was something entirely different, its own entity in her mind and a closed chapter of her life. Even so, it didn't hurt sometimes to let her body wander the trails and the old perimeter of the pack lands that she felt she could walk with her eyes closed. Not that she'd ever be foolish enough to try.

She'd been on her way to the maw when a patch of black caught her attention. In the side of one of the mountains was a cave. Curious she headed towards it. This wasn't the best time to be poking into caves with bears getting ready for hibernation but she figured as long as she was alert she'd be fine. Soldering through the ice and snow she was relieved she'd missed the storm but she couldn't help but be surprised at the sheer amount of precipitation. It wasn't even winter yet!

The wind picked up as Valdís slipped inside the cave and she was grateful for the shelter. She stood still, blinking slowly as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. Rustling caught her attention and she looked up to see a pair of owls. Hey! Those were Chaos' companions. She dipped her head in greeting towards them and was about to ask if Chaos was in here when she heard a feline yowl. "Ah… I see Chaos has found trouble already, please excuse me."