
Prima donnas of the Gutter



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
12-20-2018, 10:33 PM

Grandchildren were cute and all but Pyralis needed a break. Mæva had more energy than the sun and would only sit still for more than a few minutes if you drugged her or sat on her. Ashiel, now a father, could experience those joys for himself. He'd been preoccupied lately and she didn't care to be left babysitting for extended periods of time. In some ways she felt a bit miffed by the whole situation but she supposed she wasn't really surprised. Their reunion had been wonderful. The relief at finding both her children alive was almost overwhelming but it was amazing how swiftly everything settled back into normal routine. For once in her life Pyralis wasn't sure what to do with herself. She'd explored the majority of Auster and didn't really have much of a desire to explore the whole of Boreas. She wasn't sure if such a feat was even possible to accomplish before she died. Might be fun to try but anymore she felt herself slowing down.

No, she wasn't really slowing down. The whole world was just moving faster. When had she become a grandmother? Just yesterday she had had young pups of her own. Just yesterday her brother Amon was ruling Risen. Spirits she missed him.

Pyralis peered at the waterfall that seemed to have sprung up out of nowhere since she'd been so deep in thought. Ahh, well this was a lovely spot. Maybe she'd go relax by the pool and see if she could figure out what she wanted to do with herself. She didn't really know where she fit or what her duties should be. She could feel the arc of her life turning to her twilight years and found her thoughts touching far to briefly on death for her liking. Her brush with it after the flood had not helped matters. She knew she was supposed to be a goddess, that this earthly form would eventually be cast off but she still harbored doubts. The more she travelled, the more she suffered, the more she felt like a scrappy old mortal with delusions of grandeur.

Pyralis leapt up onto a boulder, eyed the path she wished to take and then started climbing. She was getting old and while she felt it in her patience she didn't notice it as much in her body. Of course she'd only just started climbing and she had a feeling she was going to regret this decision by the time she reached the top. She didn't know how right she was when she saw something flit out of the corner of her eye. Hackles rose, ears stood up alert. She was definitely not alone.

A mountain lion burst forth from the brush aiming right at her. Pyralis had just enough room to leap up and too the side just as claws nicked her right thigh. She whirled around to face this threat just as the cat turned to get after her. It leapt up, seeking to wrap its arms around her neck and she swiftly ducked in response, diving under the cat's outstretched arms and sinking her fangs into its gut, just below the ribs and she kicked off with her hind legs seeking to bowl the cat over. It's claws raked into the outside of her shoulders but she was successful in throwing it on its back. Pyralis was on the creature then diving for the throat which she just missed as the cat twisted to the side but she was able to seize the left side of its neck to control its head. She could feel its claws digging in deeper as it tried to get its hind legs under her body. Fat chance!

However, she knew she couldn't stay in this position for long, not with those claws sinking into her body. The cat was smaller than her but strong for its size and its looser skin, that strange quality of so many cats, was making the creature much more difficult to hang onto. The continued to tussle until Pyralis took a risk, loosening her jaws just enough to get them around the cats neck. And dang it all her jaws latched around bunched up fur and flesh but she still got in some good punctures. She could feel the blood starting to leech into her mouth and that was enough for the cat. It writhed and twisted and finally slipped out from under her. The creature didn't even look back as it fled. "Asshole," she spat as she stumbled back to her feet.

Ok, now she felt it. She couldn't remember being quite so sore after a fight but then it had been ages since she'd tangled with a big cat. She preferred to avoid quick things with claws bigger than her teeth. She was surprised to see the cat act so aggressively toward her but when she did a quick search of the surrounding area she quickly found out why. It had a kill it had been guarding, fairly fresh. She eyed the partially eaten mountain goat and decided that she couldn't let it go to waste. Quickly she bent her head, intent on eating at least part of her prize before she ambled back to the Risen Empire to go bother a healer to take care of her wounds. Perhaps Malleus himself would tend to her wounds if she promised to pay him with a potoo. She grinned, blood dripping down her chin.

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!