
Sparkle Leatard


07-10-2013, 11:29 PM

The woman was notably older than herself, however drastically smaller; stout limbs hovering delicate body barely inches from the tapestry beneath her. A moment of curiosity would tap at her skull, towers flicking as the youth?s mind would struggle to recall ever crossing paths with a beast quite so tiny. It were unlikely for the fae to be of any use in battle, so what exactly could she do for the slowly-rising pack? The ladies cranium would lower lightly, an elegant dip of acknowledgement towards the recent arrival of Glaciem?s Alpha, a subtle suggestion of adequate respect in Eos? favour. Good. Tail would tick idly at hocks, harks swivelling with dwindling interest as the creature enlightened her motive of summon. Fabulous, she didn?t like banter- hell, Eos might have even accepted her on the spot.

?Your confidence, has it been earnt or is it self-inflicted?? cranium would raise, expression still somewhat void, pale gaze flicking with hazed judgement. Perhaps the question were far more rhetorical, Eos didn?t entirely expect the woman to respond. ?You speak so surely of yourself, woman; the only thing left to discover is whether you can practise what you so proudly preach,? feminine tones would draw to a brief pause, ?I will allow you Glaciem as a home, if your skills are so prudent, I may well be foolish to turn down such a prospect. However, chance is in your palms now, and if you find it in your interests to sway from your promises, expect the consequences.? Being accepted was the painless part, maintaining rank was where the challenge would lie.