
Quiet Contemplation



07-10-2013, 11:34 PM
She asked what had happened, she had asked for her to explain what had justified her within her own mind to do what she had done. The alpha was livid, yes, but she would not relinquish her rage until she heard both sides of this madness. No matter what Evelette had done wrong, she had wounded another Valhallan, she would not get out of that scotch free. But Chrysanthe was not unfair, she would at the very least listen to what the other had to say. While Evelette spoke the woman was attentive, her eyes fixated on the ivory fae. The woman spoke of a hard life, she went through hardships within her previous pack, perhaps their lessons had stuck with the dame, but that was still no excuse for what she had done.

And then she spoke of the male she glorified at that age, and trusted even now more than the woman that she had once called her sister. Chrysanthe of course, would believe one of her longest pack mates before a male that was as good as dead - but perhaps Evelette was blinded by her affections for Freak. "Freak has done neither you nor Morgan any good - he ripped apart a family." She and Morgan had once been close. " Regardless of her previous feelings toward my father, he was the one to approach her. You saw what bitterness and hatred does, you saw how vulnerable and hurt Morgan was, and you still acted upon your own hurt feelings and hurt her over a petty grydge. It was an act of foolishness over a mistake made that should have long since been forgiven and forgotten."

"I could kill you for what you have done, Evelette. Treachery like this is not punished lightly in Valhalla." Not while she was running it. "It certainly crossed my mind." It was still there, looming in the darkness, she need only say the words and the fight would begin. "But Morgan asked me not to punish you despite the lifelong scars you have inflicted upon her - she is more of a sister than you can even begin to fathom." The alpha thought of her own sisters, and it was nearly laughable! That a male could come between such a bond. Not even Eos, who she was not extremely close to, would never be betrayed because of someone she took as her mate. Family stood beside each other - Evelette clearly had no semblance of understanding toward the word... perhaps that was not her fault. Perhaps Arkhein had taken that from her. "You took your own chance at a family, when you chose revenge over forgiveness." Her words were grave, spoken harshly but not loudly, her anger was a contained force, yet still a force to be reckoned with.

With that her mind was made up. She had heard Evelette's side of the story, but she would not go unpunished - they both surely knew this from the start. "You will remain in Valhalla as an omega. Until you somehow prove your worth and provide me reason to reinstate you as a member and not a traitor, you will not be considered a part of this family, nor try and start your own." A second chance, there was a glimmer of hope should she choose to remain compliant. "You will not take a mate, and you will not breed. Should you become pregnant I will abort the litter myself." An eye for an eye she said? It would count toward what she did to Morgan as well. "Should you try and leave while serving your sentence, it will be your final mistake."