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8 Years
12-21-2018, 08:35 AM

The phantom silently followed Cloudburst several tail lengths away as the putrid scent of a mighty predator flew through his nostrils. Hannibal's eyes were narrowed and his bodice was lowered into a defensive stance as he slithered through the thicket. Knees bent, ears lowered, lips raised and wrinkled, tail aligned with spine, and head lowered to protect his throat. Who knew what they were truly getting into but what was life without a bit of risk? His steps were sturdy, hitting the earth with ease but silence all the same for her and this other alabaster Wolf would be the element of surprise as Tyranis had its undivided attention.

The ravenous sounds of rippling growls from both Wolf and Bear slid into Hannibal's ears as they grew closer. The phantom now moved much faster, giving up on his prowl and now darting for the scene of action. It was all about the timing for if they did not arrive in time their new Alpha would get cornered in a dark and damp cave by a huge Bear. Hannibal was having none of that.

As he and his pack mate were in sight of the chase the male locked onto his target. Quickly Hannibal darted for the beasts right side as Cloudburst got the rear. With great bounds the large Wolf managed to close the distance and at the last second leapt up with his hind legs in order to snap his vicious jaws at the back right side of this Bear's neck. Due to the sheer size of the Bear his paws left the earth but he managed to grip onto the neck fat and tear a good chunk out in the meantime. Blood now soaked his divine ivory fur and horrid growls escaped his throat. As Hannibal attempted to maintain his grip the Bear began to shake him off, whipping his head and body while turning around towards Cloudburst. It did not take much and the much smaller Hannibal was flung to the side with a mouth full of white Bear fur. He shared a glance towards Cloudburst who was seemingly out of it by a blow in which Hannibal did not see but thankfully his companion was giving them both time to recover. His breathing was heavy and his jaws were in hefty pain due to the death grip he had on the Bears hackles. Hopefully Tyranis was healthy enough to take back the attention so Hannibal could continue his assault.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.