
Look out for number one

Echo I


4 Years
12-21-2018, 09:12 PM
Right off the bat he was grating on her, as was becoming an established pattern by this point. They were both so sick of each other she honestly wondered how much self control he must have to have put up with her for this long. Too damn much. Lady... No one had ever referred to Echo as "Lady" before, derisively or otherwise. "Sounds fine to me. If you think I won't suffer just to fuck with you at this point you haven't been paying attention," she huffed. Normally doing anything at a cost to herself was a concept Echo was allergic to, but, given that she'd found no escape... An exception could be made.

Letting his next words go unanswered - partially because that shit hit home and she wasn't about to let him clue into that - Echo continued keeping her eyes ears and nose on task, trying desperately to sense even a minor hint about a possible way out. Next thing she knew, the oversized blueberry was leaping at her, totally unprovoked, and landed on her shoulder, completely knocking the wind out of her and preventing the tirade of rambling insults and griping she'd have unleashed on him. The second she could get a breath in she sneered and muttered, "Boy, you sure don't hold back at meal time do you? Fat ass." Ears flat against her skull, the short-furred woman Immediately took to squirming and thrashing with her legs in any and all directions, going out of her way to try and kick up bits of dirt in the general direction of his face when she discovered that wiggling away wasn't in the cards.

When she heard someone approaching and insulting her apparent captor, Echo cackled at Jupiter's expense for a moment before seeing an opportunity when his attention was directed towards the old man. Wrenching her neck around, she parted her jaws and sought to land as hard a bite as she could manage on his ass.