
Easy as a life



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
12-22-2018, 12:35 PM

Today it was Célestin's turn to take Pegasus somewhere, he had a specific place in mind. The oasis was a dangerous trip to make even in autumn so they'd left in the evening to help try to avoid the too warm heat of the day but also to hopefully make it there before the sun totally set and the desert became dangerously cold as it did at night. It occurred to the boy for probably the first time in in his life that setting a pack in the middle of a desert, even in the lush areas Lirim had settled seemed... well strategically suspect. He supposed it made invasions a bit harder but it also meant they were ostensibly caged into their little paradise.

Still it was the only home he'd ever known and as such he was adapted to what it took to survive in the harsher environment; he'd never known anything easier. So they pair traveled through the desert, heading vaguely Northward as Célestin navigated the dunes with nothing but his memory to guide him.

It was quickly starting to grow darker, the sun lingering on the horizon when he spotted the tell tale palm trees. "See those trees over there?" He stopped to allow for his friend to catch up as he gestured with his muzzle. "We call that Illusion Oasis, there's a lake there and depending on what side you approach from the water can look like a mirage." He picked up his pace, wanting to be within the lush shelter of the oasis before the sun fully disappeared.

As he drew ever closer, almost in the shadows of the trees he spotted something else. A faint green light dancing through the darkening sky. As he slowed his approach, eyes turning skywards the last of the suns light died in the sky and the green light got brighter, joined soon by hues of blue and pink, ribbons of light dancing in the sky. Something he'd never seen before. A grin split Célestin's face and he turned to look at Pegasus again. "What did I tell you, the desert's full of surprises."

speaking Thinking  you

[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3