
All I Want For Christmas is You



4 Years
12-22-2018, 10:25 PM

He traveled Northward without letting Cloud or any of his pack know that he had left. He traveled with one express purpose in mind; to find Kai. So much had happened since he raised his pack, yet not enough to satisfy him. The grey male hadn’t been there to see him seize the mantle of leadership for the second time, but to some extent he hadn’t expected him to be. Kai was as wild and free as the wind and his freedom was the very thing Tyranis loved so much about him. If he had been so pliable to follow him as a subject rather than a free spirit the King was sure his love for him would have been less earnest. Instead their relationship was on equal footing rather than a dominant and a submissive, and with it Ty’s love for the other male soared.

He had traveled far into the perpetually frozen region of the north, sure that if he could not find Kai on his own that he would not be denied if he called for him. It was full dark by the time he had arrived, and yet the waning winter moon had yet to rise. Instead he was treated to a spectacle of the eyes as colors danced across the sky in ripples like the rapids he had been born so close to. The rapids they had both been born close to, he reminded himself. With his soul as alight as the sky above him Tyranis rose onto his back paws and howled pleadingly for Kai to find him and join him, then waited, with his hot breath streaming from him in fine puffs for his call to be answered.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  