
All I Want For Christmas is You



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
12-22-2018, 11:02 PM
Though Kai was not drawn to find Tyranis immediately after making his way to the northern lands, that didn't mean part of his heart didn't yearn for him. Their last encounter had definitely changed things between them, in ways Kai was certainly happy with. Though they hadn't exactly discussed things, Kai wondered if they really had to at all. Labels didn't matter much to him; all he cared about were their feelings and what they both wished to do. Their time spent together was always something he enjoyed, so much so that he'd promised Tyranis he'd come when called, so long as he was near - and when his friend's familiar call reached his ears, ringing clearly through the desolate lands, he was quick to head toward it. The night was a crisp, cold one, and Kai was glad it was free from the rain that had plagued their last meeting. The sky was dark, only the faint sparkle of stars overhead casting any illumination down on the lands.

That was, until he saw the northern lights begin to dance across the night sky. The sight was a lovely one, one he'd only heard about from his father's stories, and he couldn't help but feel his heart soar at the view. Ty couldn't have picked a better nice to visit, he decided to himself, letting a smile play at his lips. It didn't take long for him find his way to Kennocha Lake, and it wasn't hard to pick out Tyranis's silhouette against the brilliant colors of the sky. The reflection of colors was cast down on the ice, creating a spectacle more eye-appealing than he could've ever imagined. "Nice choice for tonight's date," Kai drawled confidently once he was within earshot of Tyranis, flashing him a grin. It really was a nice spot though, he wasn't lying about that one, and his gaze was torn between settling on Ty and lifting back to the dancing lights above as he drew closer.