
The Bridge of the Gods


12-22-2018, 11:24 PM

Persephone was till new to this world, but the lights above her russet head were familiar. She had seen them often when she was young, although her memories from her puphood were vague. She remembered she had a mother and that her mother had named her “Blind one” because her eyes had been the last to open but there were few other memories she could lay claim to.

She followed the lights wistfully, her two headed companion nestled into her thick fur to shield themselves from the relentless cold of the deep north. When she arrived at the lake she found she was not alone, but gave no greeting to the russet female aside from a passing look. She walked over to the lake and with the full force afforded to her large frame the fae threw herself onto a patch of thin ice to free the frigid water beneath with a great crack. She helped herself to the water, then lifted her head and looked at the female again, silently wondering if she had gotten her attention with her doubtlessly impressive display of strength.

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