
Never Let Them Take Away Our Stars



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-23-2018, 02:09 AM

Things were changing in her life. She knew that. She could see it. Feel it in her heart. Though she knew Dragon wanted to return them to where they belonged, she felt that in his heart, alphaship wouldn't be the same. She knew her son had been determined to do it, but he had been waning. It had been nearly a year since the challenge for Talis, and she felt that he was losing his determination. The only logical thing she could think of that prevented him from moving forward was his blindness and the doubt that others would have in his ability to lead again. She hadn't spoken to him about what he wished to do, and all she was doing was waiting around. So she took a walk that night, leaving her companion to sleep in the tree above her den while she slipped out.

Avalon hadn't been out this way for some time, but it did well to clear her head. The cold night air invigorated the aging woman's senses, and although it wasn't the easiest terrain to walk in, especially at her age, it didn't stop her from continuing on. Bursts of mist sprang from her with each exhale and she was lucky that her coat was so thick. She was sure that if her coat was as thin as Gryphon's, she would have a hard time coming out so late in this. In fact, she was sure that if she had shorter fur, she wouldn't even be in the North, let alone taking a nighttime walk in the snow. But here she was, alone in the cold.

At least, she was. A figure not far off from her had made an appearance, and she vaguely recognized his form. She somewhat recalled her first meeting with this man, and though she couldn't remember much about their encounter, she at least knew he wasn't hostile. She decided to approach him, trudging through the snow until she was close enough to hear him. Indeed, she had seen the stars flitting across the sky and it was a fascinating sight. "Beautiful, aren't they?" She stopped a few feet from him, a warm smile on her lips. "Hello again, stranger." She greeted with a hint of amusement.


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