
Underneath the Water


07-11-2013, 12:57 AM


Euphrosyne walked up to the river's edge, grumbling softly under her breath about rude brutes and no one having manners any more. She had stalked away from the gray, black, and tan brute back in the serpent plains and hadn't stopped walking till she reached this river. Ever so carefully, she stepped into the water, not wanting to be swept away by the current. Normally she wouldn't risk getting in such a river by herself, but she hated her fur to be dirty and it was still muddy from the romp through the stream she had done back there. She stood still facing the running water, letting it sweep around her legs and across her belly, slowly rinsing off the already dried mud. Once her fur was back to its normal shade of white she sighed with relief and climbed back onto the bank to shake off as much of the water as she could. She didn't know why the incident with the large brute and the cottonmouth had bothered her so much, but she had just gotten so frustrated with him... She wondered if she should go back and apologize, but she figured he was probably gone by now and he probably would be just as rude again.

She shrugged and flopped down beside the river's edge, letting her paws dangle over into the water, enjoying the feeling of the cool water on her worn paws. She looked down at her legs, her eyes tracing the brown bands of fur that circled the second joint in her legs, glancing back to see matching bands on her hind legs. They, along with the brown tips of her ears and the brown stripe across the bridge of her nose were the only marks disrupting her white coat. Her thoughts drifted back to her sister whose fur had matched hers almost perfectly. It was hard being alone. When her sister had passed away it had been a hard blow for Syne. She liked to think that she had moved on, but sometimes the loneliness still got her and she wished she had someone to spend her time with again. She sighed and rested her head on her forelegs, her paws still resting in the rushing river. It had been a weird day for the fea, but it was only half over. What else could be in store for her?
