
Whispers In The Dark


12-23-2018, 03:30 AM
The land he’d discovered today was bleak… though Theophylaktos wasn’t really focusing on the dead grasses of the massive palin. He wandered through with his gaze thoughtful, fiery orbs scanning the territory for traces of those he might deem familiar. Somewhere along their journey here the man had been separated from his daughter… The thought that she was out there somewhere alone hurt him. Theo might not have loved their mother… but he loved his daughter and son with more than words alone could say. Agathangelos and Driscoll were his world… and without them, without their home, the man felt lost.

He wasn’t sure what to make of Boreas… and the fact he hadn’t seen any other Southern survivors had him worried. Surely he and Aggy hadn’t been the only ones? No, he thought to himself. Mars would protect his own… surely there would be more survivors out there somewhere?

Theophylaktos was broken from his thoughts by a strange phenomenon in the skies. He’d been told stories of shooting stars as a pup… but he’d never seen one until now. He looked up at the sky quietly, taking them in.

Would it really work if he made a wish on one?