
I'm wondering now before it's too late



4 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
12-23-2018, 04:48 AM

He had been traveling around with his father lately, the pair moving out of the North as winter approached. He had met his grandmother, and the boy wanted to learn more about his heritage. For now, he decided to take some time to himself. His father was sleeping in the den they found not too far from here, and Drake knew that if he needed any help all he had to do was howl and his father and his companions would come. Drake had never been out on his own before, even when his no good mother was around, his uncle had always been nearby to watch them.

Now though, as he climbed towards the top of the cliffs, he began to feel a sense of loneliness. He hadn't seen his sister for quite some time, and his brother for even longer. He didn't know where they were, but at least he had his father...right?

Something caught his attention from the corner of his eye, and he looked up to see stars shooting across it. Eyes widened in wonder as he watched, and as his gaze followed one star until it disappeared, he noticed an even stranger sight. He spotted a wolf not far off, and a very peculiar one at that. Her coat was red, and he had never seen anyone like that. He watched her with wide eyes before slowly making his approach. Who was she? Where did she come from? Did she know about the stars? He began to approach her with caution, his gaze never leaving her. "Excuse me, do you know where those stars are going?" He figured that was more polite to ask rather then 'Why do you look like that?' Furthermore, he wanted to find out if this wolf was friendly or not.

talk, think

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