
Whispers In The Dark


12-23-2018, 05:27 AM
She knew it was time to probably start heading back to the Empire. She had been gone long enough, she figured her presence might be missed. Or not, who knew. She quite enjoyed exploring and learning about the packs here. A couple she visited while others she scouted from a safe distance. Malleus would be pleased, she thought. Though it had taken her longer than she would have liked, she refused to go back without information.

The woman was traveling close to Lirim lands, mostly keeping an eye on them. And mostly for amusement. There were puppies there that she had taken an interest in, though for what reasons she wasn't quite sure of. They did remind her that her biological clock was ticking, so that was one. Another thing of interest was that she had smelled Seth's scent there as well, and she wanted to know what he was up to and why he was there. Alas, she would just have to inform Malleus of her findings, and soon.

Night had fallen, and the woman was looking for a place to bed down for the night. The air was chilly, so she wanted to hurry up and find someplace warm. Glancing up at the sky, she noticed shooting stars flying across, drawing a smile from her. She had seen them before, but it had been a while since she had bothered to search the skies for them again.

Sighing, she continued on a good while until she came upon something (or rather someone) quite interesting. A male with a dark coat and markings that looked like embers scattered across his form. The more she watched him, the more he drew her interest, and Kas knew she needed to approach. And that's exactly what she did. Without a care in the world attitude plastered to her, she drew closer to the man. "Oh my, isn't this quite a sight." She smiled, leaving it up to him to decide whether she was talking about the stars, or him.