
With a Corncob Pipe and a Button Nose

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-23-2018, 07:54 AM

When Rhyme started to think about Ignis he knew that he liked the young flame coated youth. He was a good apprentice, despite Rhyme not having anyone to compare him to. He listened to Rhyme’s instruction with out question and settled into silence as Rhyme gave him the information he sought. Tracking the tiger would be a dangerous endeavor, especially if the tiger found them before they found it.

The snow continued to fall thickly, and though the ground was not frozen yet it began to stick. They were going to have to hurry more than he had originally expected. He picked up his pace, sure that Ignis would be able to keep up. He wanted to track the cat before its tracks were completely covered in snow. He was focused on the ground when he heard Imperia and Solitude both cry out in alarm. Rhyme brought his head up but didn’t see anything in front of them. Another call from above and he looked behind them. The snow cat was ambushing them from the rear.

Rhyme cried out in surprise, but managed to move his body between the cat and Ignis. A giant paw hit his right shoulder, claws scraped the flesh. Blood began to well in the shallow cuts, and Rhyme felt adrenaline rush through him. He had to get out of the cat’s reach and he hoped Ignis was already regrouping as the alpha veered to the left of the striped cat’s form.