

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-23-2018, 08:18 AM
His mind had completely been taken away from his previous engagement, patrolling the border. Of course being told you were expecting pups would take most wolves from normal thoughts. Rhyme was happy to follow Tana along the border. He focused on his feet and the lands beyond even as the smaller she wolf began to distract him with questions. Who did he trust most? He didn't even have to think about that, his mother. Shaye had asked if Rhythm would appear if Vail needed her assistance, and Rhyme had no doubt she would be eager to help with the birth of her grandchildren.

Shaye... Rhyme tried not to think of his alpha partner since she had run off that morning. He was beginning to worry about her despite his efforts and had debated about sending Solitude to find her. Thinking of her brought about flashbacks that he wasn't sure he wanted to remember and he tried to focus on Tana.

"My mother, Rhythm." he answered the first question. Oh he was going to have to tell her and Valentine, and he tried really hard not to think about the latter of the two's reactions. "And Shaye would want to know." Would she really though? As an alpha she needed to know, but was he ready to look her in the eye again? How did she feel about him starting a little family with Tana, it seemed like she had given her blessing... But then. He really had to stop drinking. "I guess my mother won't be able to see you very often. Vail is your mentor, I trust her to keep an eye on them too." He mentioned as they walked, soothing himself of his worries by walking the border and talking about precautions.