
That Ticking Sound



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
12-23-2018, 12:14 PM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

Ashiel was on patrol. A brutal rainstorm had swept through north western Auster last night, bringing with it torrential rain and flooding. Thankfully the pack had been safe inside the castle but the courtyard and garden were now at least ankle deep in water. Mud clinged to his paws as he moved further into the garden, trying his best to make his rounds. Mæva was left in the care of his family so that he could back to his usual tasks and build his body back up. He'd done far too much lazing about lately and was looking to get back into what he deemed respectable shape for a warrior.

Above him flew his companion, Griff. The bird had been silent most of the morning. That was fairly typical. The pair knew each other well enough to get most thoughts across without actually speaking and the silence itself was a nice break from the constant chattering of Ashiel's daughter as well as the ribbing and teasing of his mother. Ashiel loved his large family, he really did, but some days he just needed to get out of the castle.

"Ashiel! Be careful, there's something in the water." Ashiel halted immediately at the bird's warning. His senses sprung into high alert. "What is it Griff?" The bird swooped down to land on his shoulder, intense eyes peering ahead to the creek that ran along the southeastern side of the garden. It had flooded dramatically into a sludgy, slow-moving river. His brilliant green eyes, scanning the river and trying to see what his companion was looking at.


Words: 265
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.