
Time In A Bottle



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-23-2018, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2018, 12:57 PM by Ásvor.)
All the squinting in the world wouldn't help her really see him down there in the shadows, but she was determined to try anyway. A vague silhouette was all she could really make out, but somehow it was better than seeing nothing at all when trying to communicate to this stranger. "And I'm Asvor," she responded fluidly after he introduced himself, finding no reason to lie either, especially not when she was the one within the safety of her pack.

He'd joined yesterday? Interesting. Perhaps another packmate would've been more sympathetic to his tale, but Asvor wasn't, even if she decided to entertain the possibility of him being honest about how he'd gotten down there. "How unfortunate." The slight smirk that pulled at her lips was audible in her voice. It was hard to feel empathy toward really anyone, and she felt even less for this stranger. If he truly was a member of Niente, surely someone would come help rescue him, right? He'd only been in here since yesterday at the earliest, if he was being honest at all, and she wasn't being that cruel by leaving him in here. "Personally, I ought to think you need to spend some time in here. Curiosity is a dangerous thing. Basileus." With that she swiped a paw up to close the hatch with a loud, deafening thud. Though she'd been briefly entertained by him, her interest was waning and she had no issue letting his man be someone else's problem.

- exit Asvor -