
That Ticking Sound



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
12-23-2018, 03:53 PM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

The air was warm and sticky, clouds still stretched across the sky, threatening more rain. Ashiel didn't turn his attention from the spot where the crocodile lay in weight, not even when his mother approached him. The crocodile seemed agitated and it was definitely aware of the presence of the wolves. That made it dangerous. A gentle chirp from Griff pulled him out of his intense stare and as he took in the full situation he noticed one of the younger Risen members. Azazel if he remembered the name correctly. The young man was staring at him, clearly he noticed the crocodile and had the same question that Ashiel had. What were they going to do about it? Ashiel knew they had to do something. They couldn't leave a dangerous predator like this crocodile so close to Risen territory. Especially not with a bunch of growing pups that would probably give into their curiosity and go after the crocodile, potentially walking right into disaster.

Ashiel turned to his mother. "We need to get that thing out of here. I have no idea if we'll be able to kill it but one thing is for sure, we can't go into the creek after it. That's where we'll be at a disadvantage. Mom, can you lure that thing farther inland." If there was anyone that could annoy the crap out of another animal in order to get it to go after her, it was Pyralis. "Griff, fly over to Azazel and let him know the plan. Once we get the crocodile on land we'll keep it distracted while he crosses the creek. By then we should have it surrounded." Ashiel hesitated. And then what? He turned his gaze to Alkali. "Then I want you two to blind it. If we take out its eyes it will be a lot less dangerous. I don't know that we'll be able to kill it but maybe we can drive it out of here." Even blinded the jaws would be dangerous so he didn't want to try and get after the things throat. He had seen jaguars pierce the skulls of similar repitiles but this crocodile was particularly large and he didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt trying to find out if a wolf's jaws could do the same.

Griff nodded and took to the air, flying over the flooded creek to Azazel. "Greetings! Ashiel wanted me to tell you that Pyralis is going to try and lure the crocodile out of the water. She and Ashiel will keep it distracted to give you time to cross. Once you have we'll need your help to corral the creature so Alkali and I can get a shot at gouging out its eyes. After that I believe we'll try to chase it off but we're not sure. What are your thoughts? Do you know of a good way to kill the thing?"


Word Count: 484
Total: 1312
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.