
That Ticking Sound



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
12-23-2018, 05:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2018, 02:40 PM by Azazel.)

He warily watched the reptilian creature now, waiting to see what the others wanted to do. While he waited, he began to study the beast and search for any clues that would expose a weakness. So far, the animal was too submerged for him to be able to see one yet. Gaze returned to the pair, and he watched as Ashiel's companion flew towards him. The bird explained the plan to him, and he nodded in agreement. When Griff asked what he thought and if he had a plan, he thought for a moment. Every creature had a weakness, and he was sure this one did. Hed had seen Jaguars take on crocodiles before during his expeditions, and if a jaguar could do it, why not a wolf? He looked at the crocodile again and watched as Pyralis did her thing. Surely he could spot a weakness somewhere...

Zoning in further, he got a peek of the beast's underside as it climbed onto the bank. Then he figured it out. "It has a weakness. The underside is softer and more vulnerable. Tell Ashiel that if we want to kill it, we'll have to somehow force it to expose that. Otherwise, we can just chase it off and make sure it knows not to return." He glanced at the creature again, watching its movements. "And tell them to watch out for that tail. It could knock one of us around pretty hard if that tail makes contact. I'll handle that part, the more we can subdue and hinder it, the better chances we have. Gouging its eyes out is will help immensely."

With that said, he began to cross the creek towards them. He kept his awareness at an optimum level, just in case the crocodile decided to turn around and come after him. Sure the beast was more comfortable on the water, but Azazel was sure he'd be able to get away should it decide to come for him. His steps were slow and careful, body low in the water so as to minimize splashing. He was sure that if the crocodile spotted something in his element, he wouldn't hesitate to go after it.


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