
Crocodile Rock



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-23-2018, 08:25 PM
Eligos suggested bait and Pyrrhic, always ready and willing to take one for the team, was on the verge of volunteering when his twin exclaimed triumphantly and beat feet back up the castle stairs. That was all well and good. While he would have gladly (and fearlessly) menaced the monkey for the sake of his brothers, Pyrrhic was more interested in capturing it. That way when it was time to tell dad how everything had gone down he could claim a dominate role in the process. Of course menacing the monkey all by himself was a pretty big role too. Perhaps there was still time to accept it...

Nope. Quick as a flash Aureus was back, bringing with him a pair of bananas. Pyrrhic lit up. "Good find, Aureus! Those are perfect," he whispered excitedly.

His excitement was replaced with horror as a scaly, many-toothed snout slowly began to poke out of the bushes. "Um...guys..." That was certainly NOT a monkey! Pyrrhic had never seen anything like it. Just when he thought the snout had to be about done another inch of it would creep out. Finally, revealing a face that was much too long, the not-monkey's eyes could be seen. And boy, were they scary.

Pyrrhic gulped and then forced himself to get a grip. This was better than any monkey, he told himself. If they caught this creature their dad would be so impressed he'd appoint them to soldiers immediately! Forcing confidence into his voice, he said, "We can still catch it even though it's not a monkey. The plan will still work, I know it will. We just gotta..." he trailed off as the crocodile began to hiss. Pyrrhic gulped again. He refused to let himself appear weak in front of his brothers so like it or not, unless one of them called the whole thing off, he was committed. "...gotta surround it and bite it...and maybe jump on it."

The crocodile lunged suddenly - a bluff to frighten them away - and Pyrrhic let out an undignified squeal as he scrambled back. Welp, that settled it. He was going to have to chew one of its legs off to get back some of his dignity. "I'll keep it busy! You guys see if you can get around it! We can do this, I know it!"

The crocodile continued to slink out of the bushes and Pyrrhic decided there wasn't any time left to waste. He swallowed one final time and then charged forward with a whoop. The boy had made it maybe two bounds when the crocodile jerked around to face him and he was forced to swerve away. His heart hammered away in his ears, but he was determined now. The beast had dared to embarrass him in front of his brothers - it had to pay!

Pyrrhic skidded around and dove at the crocodile, barking all the while. He bared his teeth at it and pretended to dive at its foot before bouncing to his paws and skidding away. Well, this was easy enough- his eyes got huge as a massive tail suddenly broke free of the bushes in a spray of leaves. He very nearly got clubbed with and the only thing that stopped him from becoming a puppy pancake was a particularly stubborn sapling growing beside him that took the brunt of the blow.

"WHOOOO THAT WAS CLOSE," he howled as he darted away. And absolutely 100% t-e-r-r-i-f-y-i-n-g. His life may or may not have flashed before his eyes.

Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.