
That Ticking Sound



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
12-23-2018, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2018, 02:44 PM by Azazel.)

He watched the others begin their assault from his position in the water. Ears flattened to his head as he lowered himself further until his jaws were barely grazing the top of the water. He blended well enough that he doubted the creature saw him, but he still needed to get closer so he could attempt his plan. They needed to expose the crocodile's underside somehow, but as he watched the others attack the creature, he figured it out. He finally made it to the bank where the others were, and like a bat out of hell, he ran in and launched himself at the creature's tail. Jaws closed around the crocodile's appendage, ears pinned against the infuriated hissing of the reptile. Azazel kept his limbs loose to move with it, to try and help him avoid injury where he could. Azazel chomped down as hard as he could, tearing into as much skin and muscle as he could. The scales were strong, but his determination was stronger.

He was mostly focused on trying to tear up the crocodile's tail, but he heard the birds swoop in and attack the beast's eyes. Azazel let go for a moment, jumping back and away as the Crocodile turned around in an attempt to get back into the water. With a malicious grin, he dove in towards the Crocodile's bloodied tail to finish his work. Jaws closed over the open wound he had left, and when he bit down as hard as he could, the crocodile whipped around in an attempt to grab at him. Azazel was smart, however. He followed the movement's of its tail while using his weight to keep it from reaching the water. The crocodile flailed back and forth in an attempt to reach him, but it didn't have the flexibility to do so. He continued to worsen the wounds he had created, and he was sure that by the time he was done, he would have a crocodile tail trophy to hang up. He hoped that the others would take the chance of his distracting it to move in and deal more damage, or deal the killing blows.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!