
Whispers In The Dark


12-23-2018, 10:24 PM
A voice, feminine, and the scent of a stranger interrupted his thoughts and Theophylaktos turned his gaze to the woman. She was smaller than he was though not by much, and a touch older. Her coat was dark, much like his own, though not touched by fire. Even still she was pretty, Theo noted. Theo dipped his head respectfully to the maiden -- he didn’t know her, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be kind to her. At the very least she was providing a distraction from his thoughts of missing children at that moment in time.

“The stars are certainly making an interesting display tonight indeed, miss.” It didn’t occur to the man that she might be talking about him. Where he came from such colors in your coat were commonplace… but alas… there was no way of knowing how many, if any, were left. “It’s pleasant to meet another on a night such as this. The stars must have granted me a wish after all.” He’d been yearning for company prior to this. Sure he’d been hoping for a Southern wolf… but… this woman’s presence was welcome as well.

“May I get the honor of knowing your name?” Theophylaktos lifted his head, bright red gaze meeting her own. Maybe his luck was turning around after all.