
I am Not My Own


07-11-2013, 02:00 AM

The idea of a family, of Song's pregnancy was very fine and dandy, but the obsidian brute knew it wasn't going to be a pretty ride. At least not for his wife, since she would be the one carrying their children inside of her for the next month. He felt rather guilty that she was going to be taking the brunt of the entire thing, though a part of him was secretly glad that he wouldn't be the one having to expel their children painfully from his body. Despite that, Cherokee was prepared to do whatever he needed to do, no matter how crazy or insane it sounded, to make his mate's pregnancy go smoother. If that meant going nights without sleep, going out at all hours of the day and night for the most absurd cravings, then he was most definitely ready. He was in it for the long haul, no matter how tiring it was going to be.

With you as their father how could I be anything else? They're going to be beautiful. Should we think of names yet? His own idiotic grin spread across his ebony kissers at her question of names. She was rather excited about their future children obviously. Just like their mother my little angel. As far as names...I mean I wasn't necessarily thinking about them right now, but if you want to brainstorm some names, I'm game. Obsidian plume wagged gently behind sable haunches, mismatched gems intent on his wife's own azure and gold ones.

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