
Down We Fall [AW]



4 Years
12-24-2018, 01:17 AM

The East was much different from the more northern lands, snow not yet laying claim to this part of Boreas. Frost dusted the edges of the blades of grass that bowed under his heavy paws, but that was the only claim to chill that this area had. It was... different, to say the least. The once mountain dweller was unsure if this change was something he cared for or not, a deep frown on his mauve coloured face. Careful eyes surveyed the area around him, grassy fields giving way to a sea of rocks, the ocean just beyond that. The water was not something that Lyulf had seen a lot of in his days, generally all things remained quite well frozen. Hardly anything changed, which was most likely why this sudden blooming atmosphere felt so alien to him. Blowing out a steady breath, the beast moved forward, not daring to glance back. It was something that needed to have happened long ago, him leaving the lands in which he was born. The air there had become to restricting, his once close friends leaving him nothing to care for. What choice did he have, but to have left? Everything was growing stagnant, something that the male was not used to at all. He had been nothing but a pawn, someone to be used and toyed with. The thought made his lips twitch, the only thing to interrupt his otherwise stoic look. Shaking the former life from his mind, the tri-toned wolf moved onward, leaping carefully onto the frost laden stones.

Each step was well thought out as Ly made his way towards the bay, soft orange hues painting its surface. The sun had only just fully risen from the horizon, dull beams cascading down around the lone male. Ever so slowly an incline began to appear, before a sharp jutting cliff made itself known. Pausing, Lyulf tilted his head and glanced upwards. Already he could see the glimmer of frost on the steep cliff side, greenery clinging stubbornly to any smooth surface they could. It looked stunning, but the pinto marked male knew that it most likely was not the most safe route to take. That alone would generally be enough of a thought to deter a normal wolf, but Lyulf had been climbing mountains since he was able to walk. The proof was in his rod-like legs, strong muscles coiling in wait. The claws on his paws nearly seemed slightly elongated, wide set paws good for gripping even slick surfaces. This cliff was something that he could climb, that wasn't the question, it was more the effort involved that made him hesitate. Lyulf hadn't stopped for too long since he left his snow dominated homeland, and a climb like this would sap up much of his remaining energy. But then again, it would be a good vantage point in which he could pick out his next area to travel to. With a nod of his head, his mind was made up. One paw gingerly brushed the incline, testing with the pads of his paws to see just how icy it was. Ly's paw sat still where it was placed, not even an inch of movement. Good, this would be a breeze then. Hoisting himself up, the brute began to make the journey upwards. His only companion was the trill of songbirds overhead and the gentle brush of the suns rays.

It took longer than he thought to reach the crest of the cliffs, but he was more than glad that he did. His green eyes flew open wide at the scene that expanded before him, off-white tipped tail raising in surprise. The sea stretched on for longer than he could even see, bleeding into the horizon until they became one. With the wash of colours that painted both sea and sky, it looked more bright and colour filled than anything Lyulf had ever set his eyes on. His rump collided with the earth as he gazed on in utter disbelieve, his jaw actually hanging semi slack. It had been awhile since he had actually felt this sheer amount of emotion, and it was all brought on by the rising sun over a body of water. It seemed so simple, but perhaps that's why it held such beauty. There was nothing like this back home, that was for damn sure. Curling his slightly longer tail around his flank, Ly allowed himself to be completely lost in his surroundings. It had been the right choice to come down here, this much set it all in stone. There was so much of the world that Lyulf still had not seen, even after two years on this plain. There had to be even more of these hidden, or not so hidden, gems here. Determination to see them all filled the male, his nostrils flaring as he drank in a deep breath. There was a new life for him here, there just had to be. For the first time in a long time, he felt a spark of light, a touch of something he had thought he had lost.

Hope. It was something that had died off when he was cast aside, when his life had been stripped from him. But now? There just had to be more out there, there couldn't be something so stunning in a world so cold.

Word Count: 896

[Image: yz1xNJa.png]