
The type of Attraction the Glows


12-24-2018, 09:29 PM

His smile would grow larger at her question making her own smile spread across her lips. She was truly interested to learn more. The full history and even the rest of his family, the rest of the fallen angels. Something about all the information he spoke made sense, but there was still so much more she had to learn. She was even happier to discover that they had more room, that he wasn't turning her away. It felt so nice to have company again, she had been traveling for to long (at least in her mind). He stated there was much to learn and she liked to hear that.

He drew the attention back to this mystical territory and what he said again made sense. Was that why it felt so much different here when she had entered. Was God watching over this place and those who enter and exit? Was he watching now? She let her blue eyes look around for a bit as Archon spoke of a church that they would build here. A home to praise and worship, so did that mean they were going to build a large structure? She looked back to him again curiosity again burning within her eyes.

"What will the church look like? How to we Worship him properly?" she asked.

"Adeline Talk", & 'Adeline Think"