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Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-25-2018, 05:35 PM

Cloud's unfocused vision found his brother standing over him, and all around him, he could hear the sounds of the bear and the wolves muffled by the ringing in his ears. He could practically hear his heartbeat beating loudly in his head, but he refused to stay down. Slowly but surely he stumbled to his feet, head throbbing and body aching with the impact he had taken on the ground. The dizziness he felt was going away, and as Tyranis went after the bear again, Cloud felt something shift inside of him. Blood... Cloud knew that voice. It was that familiar voice that plagued his mind. He hadn't heard it in some time, and he had hoped he would never have to again. But as the roaring of the bear and the snarling of his companions went on, it seemed to awaken it once again. Blood...attack it. Bite it. Rip it to shreds. Kill it!

Cloud felt his chest grow tight as his breathing got heavier, something within him changing. His heart beat faster, his pupils constricted, and he could feel his muscles tensing like a snake coiling around its prey. When the bear reared up over Tyranis, Cloud's head snapped up and he launched into action. Whatever took possession of him made it so that he could no longer feel the pain nor exhaustion of his injuries from this fight, nor from the avalanche. He rushed forward faster than he had been before, but through his eyes, it looked as if he were moving in slow motion. A vicious roaring snarl parted his jaws as he barrelled towards the beast. Saliva flew from his jaws as he ran, claws practically carving out the earth as he moved with unmatched speed.

Once he was within striking distance, Cloud launched himself at the bear's extended forepaw. His jaws were open as far as they could possibly go as he aimed for the bear's right forepaw. With success, his jaws met their target and he bit down as hard as he could, effectively locking his teeth into the beasts appendage. Fangs dug right through to the bone, and his momentum had managed to unbalance the bear enough to where he was forced to place his other foreleg on the ground again. He could hear the bear cry out in pain and agony, but it was all just a dull echo in Cloud's ears.

Cloud used all his weight to drag the bear down as he viciously shook his head. The bear tried to pull out of his grip, but each tug only forced Cloud to bite down harder. Only when the bear raked his left flank with its other paw did Cloud release his grip, but the damage had been done. Its forepaw was now torn and mangled, bleeding heavily. Cloud rolled away before leaping to his feet again. He could not feel the pain from the fresh wound on his flank, nor the hot blood that oozed from it. He stood there, hackles standing on end as he stood arched. He stood there with parted jaws, blood and saliva dripping heavily from bloodstained fangs. He appeared bigger and more fearsome than ever before, and he was now determined to kill this bear.

Cloud had managed to tear up as much of the bear's limb as he could, and he had been successful enough to the point where he had cracked the bone inside. The beast was unable to put any weight on it, let alone use the now useless appendage. Now all that was left to do was finish it. Had he been in his normal state of mind, he would have been content to drive it off. But now? All he wanted to kill it!
