
click click boom



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-25-2018, 10:57 PM
Valdís slipped further into the crypt, picking up her pace but not moving too quickly. The last thing she needed to do was stumble and sprain something. Honestly, she wasn't too worried about Chaos. He was a skilled warrior and big enough to over power a good sized cat. She doubted it was a tiger or anything of that nature, not in this crypt. Mountain lion perhaps? They were the main cat she thought of when she thought of mountains and caves.

When she arrived Chaos was not alone. There was a large male that Chaos apparently seemed to know but she missed the introductions, only catching the words "bear shit" which was not what she wanted to hear. Spirits, she didn't want to have to deal with a bear as well as a lion. If caution was the better part of valor she'd recommend getting the heck out of there but she'd caught no signs of a bear yet.

Suddenly something flew out of the tunnel and smacked Chaos in the chest. Valdís set her defenses. This was going to be tricky in such a tight space. "Something is wrong with it… we better put it out of its misery." She didn't know what could be contracted between cats and dogs but she imagined it was very little. The cougar hissed, revealing its yellowed fangs. It's fur was matted in such a way to suggest it had been having trouble grooming, whether because of general fatigue or pain she wasn't sure but the creature clearly had a lot of fight. It yowled and then dove at her. Instinctively she pulled back, her head snaking down to grab the cat's scruff. She started shaking her head but a cat was not a wolf and those vicious claws snaked up, sinking into either side of her neck, just in front of her shoulders.