
Secrets of the Heart

Gargoyle I


07-11-2013, 05:54 AM

Gargoyle pocessed a rare lightness to his step that dewdrop covered morning. It was silly, he knew, but he couldn't help it. And frankly he didn't want to. Upcoming move or not, he felt more at home and at peace with the world than he had in a long time. It was amazing what effect his Ocena had on him, but the relapses of dark thoughts had plagued him and his guilt since the challenge, were all gone away like a bad dream. He was himself again. And he was once more attending to the duties of an Alpha. He'd been up hunting for the sun had time to touch Mt. Volkan's snowcap. He wanted to make sure everyone was in peak condition and full-stomached for the move. But now that that was under way, he turned his head towards another pressing matter. He needed to speak with Mercianne. It wasn't exactly urgent, but it was important. Very important. So, no sooner had he caught her scent on the breeze then he was pounding the mountainsides with the drumbeat of a high lope, skirting logs and stones as he wound down into the foothills.

He let out a summoning bark, (an ability he had thanks to his doberman heritage), and as he came finally into view, skidded up short and flung his ears forward. "Morning Miss Mercianne!" he hailed in a warm rumble.